
Eco-spirituality & Action
 About the facilitator, Angela Manno

In this era of global warming, climate change, resource depletion and increasing violence towards nature, what is the new understanding of humanity’s place and role in unfolding of creation that can help us engage creatively in this unprecedented period of crisis and opportunity? What are the practices and principles of this new awareness? And what are our obligations and unique strengths as Friends to fully participate in this crucial turning point in history?

This six-week course explores the emerging global spirituality -- an eco-spirituality -- that has unique and exciting implications for the Religious Society of Friends. Through reading, meditation, worship sharing and reference to established Friends witnesses and testimonies, we will gain a new sense of our identity within the cosmos and the Earth Community, and the opportunity to make a unique impact as Friends in the healing of the Earth. 

The first offering of this course was instrumental in the formulation of New York Yearly (Quaker) Meeting's Peace with Earth declaration

Class Breakdown:
Week I - The Living Earth
Week II - Cosmology & Consciousness
Week III – Creativity
Week IV - The State of the World
Week V - The Great Work
Week VI - Worship Sharing in the manner of Friends*

*An additional week was added after the final class to discern in the manner of Friends, what might our corporate action be. The result was the drafting of the Eco-spirituality & Action Minute, also known as the Peace with Earth declaration, which was approved by New York Yearly Meeting July 27, 2007, minute # 2007-7-58.

Reading List and Links for Eco-spirituality & Action Classes:

Throughout the course we will be reading primarily from the following books and articles. It is highly recommended that you purchase these books both for the course, as well as for continued reading. It is understood that finances or time may not permit reading of all the suggested materials, but even a portion of what is listed will help prepare you for the in-class activities, which will be fun and enlightening. So come as prepared as you can to get the most out of the sessions! 
1. Awakening Universe, Emerging Personhood: The Power of Contemplation in an Evolving Universe by Mary Conrow Cohelo
2. The Global Brain: Speculations on the Evolutionary Leap to Planetary Consciousness by Peter Russell
3. The Dream of the Earth &
4. The Great Work by Thomas Berry
5. The Path of Least Resistance: Principles for Creating What you Want to Create by Robert Fritz
6. Promise Ahead: A Vision of Hope and Action for Humanity’s Future by Duane Elgin

Readings for Individual Classes: 
Class I - The Living Earth:
The Global Brain, pgs: 19-33; Click here for downloadable text
Gaia: An Atlas of Planet Management, pgs 12-21. Click here for downloadable text
Class II - Cosmology & Consciousness:
Awakening Universe. Emerging Personhood, pgs: 1-62 (The Epic of Evolution); The Dream of the Earth, Chapter 3: Human Presence (pgs 13-23).
Class III – Creativity:
The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz, Part I (Fundamental Principles) pgs 3-66
The Universe Story by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry, pgs 54-61
The Dream of the Earth, pgs 194-215 “The Dream of the Earth: Our Way into the Future”
Awakening Universe. Emerging Personhood, pgs: 299-379 (The Contemplative Journey and its Fruition) 
Class IV - The State of the World:
Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble by Lester Brown pgs 3—19 & pgs 203-206
Mending the Earth: A World for Our Grandchildren The entire book is recommended but chapter 9 contains examples of several out of thousands of existing projects offering alternatives in a few sectors, specifically housing, water purification and food and energy production.
Class V - The Great Work:
The Great Work by Thomas Berry, pages 1-11, “The Great Work”; 56-71 “The Viable Human”; 101-106, “Ethics and Ecology” 159-175; “Reinventing the Human” and “The Dynamics of the Future”;
The Dream of the Earth, pgs 36-49 “The Ecological Age”
The Universe Story pgs 241-268 (The Ecozoic Era & Epilogue)
Also highly recommended:
Massey's website is a wealth of insight and inspiration. I encourage you to explore it fully.
“Confessions of an Earth Quaker” 
Class VI – Action:

Note: Since the course was created in 2006, many new and exciting resources have become available; thousands more individuals and groups who are having a profound impact on the transition to a peaceful and sustainable planetary society. Many of them are now profiled in a constantly updated 90-minute digital slide presentation, “Picturing the Ecozoic Age” by Angela Manno. If you would like to bring this provocative and inspirational program to your group or community, please contact Angela Manno at: amanno (at) angelamanno (dot) com.